A Menagerie of Misfits: My Unconventional Journey with an Array of Animal Companions

When I was growing up, I was raised on a small homestead. My mother, who came from a Montana ranch, explained that the way you get so many animals is that you soon start getting more animals for the animals. First, we had the horses for my sister to ride, then the geese to keep the horses company. Then the chickens for the eggs and the goats to protect the chickens. Its like rolling down a hill, the further you go down, the faster you spin.

This early exposure to the symbiotic relationship of people and animals fostered a deep-seated yearning to one day establish my own homestead, a sanctuary teeming with life in its most varied and vibrant forms. Yet, the path to realizing this dream is paved with the companionship of an eclectic assembly of animals, each with their own story, personality, and place in my heart.

Currently, my abode is a haven for 10 such beings, each contributing to a miniature ecosystem of joy and chaos. And when I tell people about my collection of 10 pets, it elicits wide-eyed shock from acquaintances and strangers alike, a reaction that has become a familiar part of my narrative. This peculiar assembly is not merely a collection but a step towards a future where my passion for animal care transcends the boundaries of the conventional, ushering in a life where every day is an adventure in companionship and care.

The Start of It All: Millie, My Mini Aussie

Miniature Australian Shepard as a Cartoon character with the name Millie

My journey into the world of pet companionship began with Millie, my miniature Australian Shepherd. As an eighteen-year-old stepping into the uncertainties of adulthood and college life, Millie became more than a pet; she was my anchor, a loyal friend, and my first dog. Her steadfast support helped me navigate through the tumultuous waves of youth.

Mika: The Resilience of Love


Next, my family adopted Mika, a rescue whose past was marred by abuse. Her shattered leg and spirit were testaments to her former life, yet her recovery and ability to love again taught me about the resilience and healing power of affection. Mika’s journey from brokenness to boundless love was a powerful lesson in resilience.

In addition to Mika’s emotional recovery, I embarked on a mission to train her as my service dog, a role she excelled in until an unforeseen Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE), essentially a spinal stroke, dramatically altered our lives. This condition robbed her of control over her back leg, casting us onto a long and challenging road towards recovery. While she has regained partial control, the remnants of FCE still linger, affecting her ability to walk and play with the carefree abandon she once enjoyed.

Cash: Joy Unleashed


Cash, a blue heeler-pointer mix with a zest for life, brought infectious joy into my life and marked the expansion of my family with dynamic energy that filled our home with laughter and happiness. Embodying perpetual motion, Cash quickly became a lovable troublemaker, his boundless energy and mischief providing endless entertainment and making him an invaluable family member. Interestingly, his arrival was the perfect antidote to brewing sibling rivalry between Mika and Millie, introducing a new dynamic that encouraged cooperation and transformed competition into companionship. This not only enriched their lives but also brought renewed harmony to our home, showcasing the unexpected ways pets can influence family dynamics and foster unity.

Harley Quinn: The Spirit of Affection

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn, named after the vibrant comic book character, brought an affectionate spirit that seemed to knit our growing pack even closer. Her love wrapped around each member of my household, creating a cohesive and joyful unit.

Juniper and Misty: The Bunny Duo

Juniper and Misty

The pandemic introduced a craving for warmth and companionship, leading to Juniper, a lion-head lop mix bunny, which is considered an experimental breed, though I did not know that at the time. He is my most expensive bunny, and I drove 10 hours to get him from the breeder.

Despite his purebred status and the considerable expense associated with it, he is deaf, although it is a trait not uncommon in white and blue-eyed animals. He also has an upper respiratory disease, which would have been caught at the breeder. The upper respiratory disease is basically sneezing brought on by stress, but as long as he is happy, there is nothing to be done, and since he is deaf and very socialized, not much gets to him. It is, however, contagious, so the other two bunnies have it, too, but it has never needed medical intervention.

Bunnies need to be in bonded pairs because they are social animals that require companionship to prevent loneliness, provide mental stimulation, and ensure physical activity, all of which contribute to their overall well-being. Having a fellow rabbit helps reduce stress, encourages positive behaviors by reducing boredom-induced destructive actions, and offers emotional and physical comfort through activities like grooming and snuggling.

While it is possible for bunnies to bond with people and other pets, I noticed that Juniper was getting a bit depressed, so I got him a mail-order bride, Misty.

Misty is a feisty balance to Juniper’s gentle spirit. She often feels like she has to work twice as hard to protect herself and her mate, Juniper, since he is deaf, which results in some spiciness. But don’t let that fool you. She is the sweetest girl who loves to snuggle with me, her mom, and that’s pretty much it.

A Tragedy and Sterling: The Healing Rabbit


Following the tragic loss of my ducks to hawks, Sterling, a spunky rex rabbit, hopped into my life. His social and joyful nature helped heal the wounds left by the loss. And he is very social and fearless, sort of. He got on with the dogs and cats pretty quickly and was quick to explore everywhere. Unlike the other two rabbits, who like to keep near the hutch and in their ‘safe zones’, Sterling will wonder everywhere.

But Misty’s feistiness was a big challenge. She was not happy about another bunny and actually really tried to hurt him when he was a baby; he even screamed. Have you ever heard a bunny scream? No, because it is very, very rare and only when they are terrified. Sterling wasn’t terrified of the blue heeler or Rotwiler mixed dog, but Misty? Terrifying.

It is very difficult to bond 3 rabbits, often cannot be done and can even ruin the bond of two existing rabbits. So we took this slow. I mean months of bonding. From cage to cage association and supervised play-time to the most effective stress bonding. Now don;t be alarmed, they are rabbits so stress is subjective. For them, I vacuumed around their hutch and that was enough to cause Misty and Sterling to begin bonding. Eventually, they all bonded nicely, and I was able to put the three together in one hutch.

The Feline Trio: Little Missy, Dexter, and Freya


My cat companions, Little Missy, Dexter, and Freya, each brought their unique personalities and stories. From spirited independence to sensitive companionship, they’ve added balance and a whimsical warmth to my lively home.

Dexter was first, he came with my relationship and is a very unique cat. He has a rare genetic mutation that causes his fur to be brown. Nothing super dramatic, but it is very rare and makes him an especially special cat. He also spent some time outside as a kitten, so he is very reclusive. Super sweet and easy to handle, but often hard to find.

Little Missy

Little Missy, on the other hand, is a very social cat. I got her on Facebook marketplace from someone who had found her outside as a baby. So she was lucky enough to grow up at a time when I was transitioning out of the military and starting to work from home. So, she got a lot of love and attention. Every day, she sat in my lap as I worked. This makes her a very sweet and cuddly cat, who even comes when her name is called, a rare feat for a cat.


Freya was last, she was being sold out of a truck in a Walmart parkinglot. But she is the prettiest Calico kitty. Just as sweet and loving as Little Missy, her favorite place to lay is on top of me. Her and her sister love to play together and follow the crew of dogs as they stalk me throughout the day. This sweet girl has never been away from me for more than 10 days, and she loves it.

Homestead Dreams and Lessons Learned

This diverse menagerie has taught me invaluable lessons about responsibility, patience, and unconditional love. They’ve shown me the beauty of embracing flaws and the joys of sacrifice. As I dream of a future homestead, I cherish the present moments with my animal companions and look forward to the day I can expand my role as a steward of these remarkable lives.