Camping With Multiple Dogs

Camping is more than just a getaway; it’s a chance to connect with nature, find peace, and for dog ownersโ€”share unforgettable moments with our furry family members. If you’re passionate about the outdoors and have more than one dog, planning a camping trip with your canine companions can be both rewarding and challenging. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to make camping with your dogs an enjoyable and safe experience for everyone involved.

Our Recent Adventure: Camping with Four-Legged Friends

Last weekend, I embarked on a three-day camping trip with not one, but four dogs, ranging from my senior companion, Millie, who is 11 years old, to the energetically youthful Harley Quinn, who is just 6 months. While the idea of leaving them behind might seem easier, the joy and fulfillment of including them in the adventure far outweigh the challenges. Developing a seamless system is key to a stress-free experience.

Initially, I kept all the dogs tethered to ensure their safety and to prevent them from wandering off. Gradually, I introduced periods where they could roam freely without a leash, closely monitoring their behavior and interactions with the environment. This approach not only helped in managing them efficiently but also allowed them the freedom to explore safely. Whenever one of them appeared tired or overly excited, I could easily revert to tethering them, ensuring their well-being.

One aspect I found particularly rewarding was dedicating individual time to each dog. This one-on-one interaction not only strengthened our bond but also catered to their unique needs and temperaments. Whether it was a quiet stroll with Millie or playful exploration with Harley Quinn, these moments were priceless.

Camping with multiple dogs indeed requires extra effort and planning, but with a good system in place, it’s not only manageable but incredibly enriching. The experience taught me a lot about patience, preparation, and the joy of sharing the beauty of nature with my furry family members.

The Benefits of Camping with Dogs

Bringing your dogs along on camping trips isn’t just fun; it’s beneficial. The great outdoors offers a sensory smorgasbord that can lead to better health and happiness for your pets. Dogs thrive on physical activity and mental stimulation, and there’s no shortage of either when exploring new terrains. Likewise, the bonding time you’ll share is irreplaceable, reinforcing the trust and love between you and your dogs. Plus, experiencing the wonders of nature through your dogs’ enthusiastic explorations can reignite your own sense of awe and discovery.

Planning Your Dog-Friendly Camping Trip

Choosing the Right Campsite

Not all campsites are created equal, especially when it comes to our four-legged friends. Research dog-friendly sites that offer ample space for your pets to explore safely. Consider campsites with nearby walking trails, lakes, or beaches that allow dogs, ensuring you and your furry pals will have plenty of activities to enjoy.

Exploring Unconventional Camping Methods

When planning your dog-friendly camping trip, don’t limit yourself to traditional campgrounds; consider exploring unconventional camping methods like using Hipcamp to camp on private properties. This option can offer a safe and secluded area, away from crowded campsites, ensuring both you and your dogs can relax without the worry of interactions with other people and pets.

Many of these private sites provide off-leash experiences, which can be incredibly beneficial for your dog’s training and overall enjoyment. It allows them to explore freely under your supervision, making the most out of the natural surroundings. This method not only broadens the scope of places where you can camp with your dogs but also enriches the camping experience for both you and your furry companions.

Essential Items to Pack for Your Dogs

Preparation is key to a successful camping trip. Essential items include:

Dog Tethers: To keep your dogs secure yet free to move around the campsite.

Metal Tethers: I strongly recommend opting for metal tethers over traditional ropes for securing your dogs at the campsite. Some dogs have a tendency to chew through ropes, which could potentially free them when you least expect it. Additionally, if your dogs are near a campfire, there’s a risk they could pull a rope tether into the fire, creating a dangerous situation. Metal tethers offer durability and peace of mind, ensuring your dogs stay safe and secure while allowing them the freedom to move around. Plus, they provide an extra layer of safety against the possibility of accidents near the campfire or other hazards in the camping area.

Dog Trolley System: For those seeking to offer their dogs even more freedom of movement while ensuring they remain safe within the campsite, a dog trolley system is an excellent solution. The Dog Tie-Out Cable Camping 50ft Portable Overhead Trolley System is designed to accommodate dogs up to 200lbs, making it suitable for virtually all breeds. This system allows your dog to explore a wider area without the risk of running off. It’s surprisingly easy to set up, taking only about 5 minutes, and it’s perfect for camping. With a dog trolley system, your canine companions can enjoy a significant range of movement, making their camping experience as enjoyable as yours.

Dog sleeping Bags: To keep pets warm and cosy when sleeping.

Providing a cozy and familiar spot for your dogs to sleep can significantly enhance their camping experience, and dog sleeping bags are perfect for this. These specially designed sleeping bags offer warmth and comfort during the chilly nights outdoors. By creating a designated sleeping area for your pet, you not only ensure they stay snug but also help in establishing a routine that can make them feel more secure in a new environment. It’s beneficial to train your dogs to use these sleeping bags while still at home so that by the time you set off for your adventure, they are already accustomed to and comfortable with their portable beds. This familiarity can help reduce anxiety and ensure a good night’s sleep for everyone. Plus, the versatility of a dog sleeping bag means you can easily move it around the campsite to accommodate your pet’s needs, whether it’s finding a warmer spot away from the breeze or a cooler place under the stars.

Dog Rain Jackets and Shoes: To keep your dogs dry and their paws safe during wet weather.

Weather conditions and terrain play crucial roles in determining the right gear for your dog during a camping trip. When facing hot conditions, especially on asphalt or rocky terrain, dog shoes become essential to protect your canine’s paws from burns and cuts. Similarly, should your adventures lead you to waterside play, shoes can safeguard against sharp objects underwater that could cause injuries, potentially putting a damper on your outdoor experience. During my most recent trip, as we encountered steady rainfall, equipping my dogs with rain jackets proved invaluable, keeping them dry and comfortable despite the downpour. In colder climates, warm jackets come in handy, especially for breeds that aren’t built for low temperatures. However, it’s essential to remember that not all breeds have the same needs. For instance, a husky may not require a winter coat due to its thick fur, but might benefit greatly from a cooling vest in summer months. Every dog is unique, and catering to their specific breed requirements ensures they stay comfortable, safe, and happy, regardless of the weather or landscape we explore together.

Dog Life Jackets: For water-loving dogs or those who may not be strong swimmers.

No matter their swimming prowess, from beginners to seasoned swimmers, it’s imperative that all dogs wear life jackets while engaging in water activities. A case in point involves my strong-swimming Australian Shepherd, who, during a kayaking trip, boldly leaped off the kayak aiming for the shore, which was deceptively farther than anticipated. Despite her proficiency in swimming, the potential for exhaustion or unexpected water conditions always looms, underscoring the importance of life jackets. For my dogs who are less confident in water, life jackets provide an added boost of confidence, encouraging them to partake in the fun without fear. On our most recent adventure, the river’s low waters misleadingly appeared safe, yet the swift currents posed an unforeseen challenge, compelling me to physically assist my dogs from the water. In such instances, the peace of mind afforded by their life jackets is invaluable, not just in ensuring their safety, but also in allowing them, regardless of their swimming skills, to enjoy the water confidently and securely.

When selecting a life jacket for your dog, there are a few key features to consider ensuring their safety and comfort. I highly recommend opting for a brightly colored life jacket, definitely avoid blue hues as they can blend in with the water, making it hard to spot your dog from a distance. A life jacket with a sturdy handle on top is also crucial; it provides an easy means to quickly grab and assist your dog if they’re in trouble or just to help guide them while swimming. Additionally, for dogs that aren’t strong swimmers, look for life jackets equipped with a flotation flap at the front to keep their head above water. These attributes not only enhance safety during water activities but also boost your peace of mind, knowing your dog is well-equipped for a fun and secure adventure.

Dog Camping Tent: For extended trips or camping in inclement weather.

While not entirely necessary, having a designated shade tent for your dogs can significantly enhance their comfort during camping trips. This is especially true for older dogs who prefer to be indoors or resting on something soft. A shade tent, like the Arcadia Trail Outdoor Ultimate Dog Shade Tent, offers a cozy spot for your furry friends, ensuring theyโ€™re comfortable without bringing mud and bugs into your personal tent. It provides them with their own safe haven, allowing them to enjoy the great outdoors while also having a dedicated space to retreat to when they need rest or simply wish to be out of the sun. Investing in a dog camping tent is a considerate gesture to ensure the wellbeing of your pets during outdoor adventures, making it a nice-to-have item for pet owners who love to include their dogs in every aspect of their travels.

Dog Food and Water Storage: To keep their meals fresh and water clean.

One strategy I’ve found incredibly effective is packing a dedicated dog bag for our trips. This bag isn’t just any bag; itโ€™s a comprehensive kit that includes their pills, food, water bowls, and all their other essentials. This ensures that everything our furry friends might need is conveniently in one place, easily accessible whether we’re on the road, taking a break, or setting up camp. Additionally, I make it a point to bring along extra jugs of water specifically for the dogs. They tend to drink a lot, especially when we’re active in the great outdoors, and having a separate supply means they stay hydrated without tapping into the water I’ve packed for human use. This not only keeps them happy and healthy but also ensures we all stay properly hydrated throughout our adventures.

Pill Management: For dogs on any medication, ensuring they donโ€™t miss a dose.

Managing medication for pets during travel can be a tricky affair, especially when dealing with conditions like pain, arthritis, and motion sickness. To alleviate this problem for my two older dogs, I’ve adopted the use of a pill storage container. This solution not only keeps their medications organized but also makes it a breeze to administer doses on the go. For added convenience, I pre-package the pills in pill pockets, ensuring they’re ready to be administered without any hassle. However, it’s important to note that while pill pockets are a fantastic solution for capsule medications, they may not be ideal for tablets. Tablets can begin to disintegrate if stored in pill pockets for an extended period. Thus, for tablet medications, I recommend keeping them separate until it’s time for your dog to take them. This ensures the medication remains effective and makes administering doses stress-free for both you and your pets.

Preparing Your Dogs for the Trip

Start by ensuring your dogs are comfortable with any camping-related gear or commands. Training sessions involving the gear and commands they’ll encounter while camping can help ease them into the experience. Also, updating their vaccinations and having a vet check-up before the trip is essential for their health and safety.

Safety First: Tips for a Safe Camping Trip with Dogs

Your dogs’ safety is paramount. Here are some ways to ensure a worry-free trip:

  • Wildlife Awareness: Keep dogs leashed when necessary and monitor their interactions with the environment to prevent encounters with wildlife.
  • First-Aid and Emergency Preparedness: Carry a dog-specific first-aid kit and know the location of the nearest vet to your campsite.
  • Comfort and Security: Familiar items from home can help soothe your dogs in a new environment.

Fun Activities for Dogs at the Campsite

Camping with dogs is about creating joyous memories. Consider these dog-approved activities:

  • Explore Dog-Friendly Trails: Many campsites offer trails suitable for dogs. Keep an eye out for any that specifically cater to canine hikers.
  • Splash Around: If your campsite is near water, and dogs are permitted, introduce them to swimming or paddling with a dog life jacket for safety.
  • Interactive Games: Bring their favorite toys or try out new ones designed for outdoor play.

Etiquette and Responsibility: Being a Considerate Camper with Dogs

Being mindful of others and the environment ensures a positive experience for everyone:

  • Control and Supervision: Keep your dogs under control, ensuring they’re not a nuisance to wildlife or fellow campers.
  • Cleanup Duty: Always clean up after your dogs, maintaining the natural beauty of your campsite.
  • Noise Consideration: Manage excessive barking to keep the peace in the camping area.


Camping with dogs opens up a world of adventure for you and your pets. It’s an opportunity to explore, bond, and create lasting memories in the beauty of nature. With the right preparation and mindset, your camping trip can be a joyful and safe escapade.

We’d love to hear about your camping experiences with your dogs. Share your stories and tips in the comments below, and donโ€™t forget to spread the love for camping with dogs by sharing this post with fellow dog-loving adventurers!

Happy camping, and may your trails be filled with tail wags and unbounded joy!